Archive for January, 2021

Since the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic, many of my conversations have included people inquiring about how my mother is doing through all this.  We all worry about those who are most vulnerable.  And yet, stories from around the world have told about the amazing recovery from the virus even of centenarians. I have noticed, [...]

January 28, 2021


by: Susan Ernsky


Categories: Aging, Caring for Your Parents, Retirement Life

For investors who want to have a positive impact in the community, stock market rallies and year-end bring an opportunity to donate appreciated assets to your favorite charity. In addition to making a difference for the receiving charity, donating such assets provides you with tax benefits. People most frequently donate common stock. If the stock [...]
-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- This graph highlights the stark dichotomy between what investors view as “good” and “bad” on the current investment landscape. The tan line traces the cumulative growth of the S&P 500 over the past half century. Most noteworthy is the explosive growth in the nearly dozen years since the [...]

January 22, 2021


by: Tom Feeney


Categories: Investment Thinking, Quarterly Commentary