Posts Tagged
‘Carmen Bermudez’

Notre Dame, IN – February 16, 2022 – Member-owned Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (Notre Dame FCU) announced today that it has completed the purchase of Mission Management & Trust Co. (Mission), located in Tucson, Arizona. Established in 1994, Mission is an Arizona-chartered, independent trust company, specializing in trust and estate services, asset management and [...]

February 16, 2022


by: Susan Ernsky


Categories: Mission Trust News

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for Clients and Beneficiaries Mission Management & Trust Co. (Mission) and Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (Notre Dame FCU) are pleased to announce Mission is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Notre Dame FCU through a credit union service organization (CUSO). This ownership change greatly broadens the services available to Mission's clients [...]

February 16, 2022


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust News

Bill Nordbrock, business contributor to the Arizona Daily Star, recently spoke at a luncheon for a group of students that meet regularly with Mission's CEO, Carmen Bermudez. Carmen is a mentor and cheerleader to these smart, ambitious pre-professionals. Bill was impressed by the variety of career interests they had and the simple life rules they [...]

August 2, 2021


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust In The Community, Mission Trust News

In honor of Mission's 25th Anniversary year, Bill Nordbrock, contributor to the Arizona Daily Star spoke with Carmen Bermúdez, Mission's Chairman and CEO, to get her insights into the things that have made Mission Management & Trust a successful, enduring enterprise. His first article from the interview, published in July of 2019, talks about the [...]

December 30, 2019


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust News

Celebrating Mission’s 25th Anniversary, Carmen Bermúdez talks to Bill Nordbrock, contributor to the Arizona Daily Star about setting high expectations and having the courage and tenacity to achieve her dreams. In this first of Bill's two articles about his conversation with Carmen, they discuss how she attributes Mission’s success to her commitment, an outstanding team, [...]

July 28, 2019


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust News

As a child growing up in poverty in Costa Rica, Carmen Bermúdez knew at a young age that she would do more with her life. She aspired early on to become a bullfighter – the fear and the challenge drove her will to achieve her dream. After overcoming the many obstacles on her way to [...]

November 24, 2012


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust News

Carmen Bermúdez was named one of Arizona’s Most Intriguing Women in the Arizona Legacy Project, sponsored by the Arizona Historical Society. Carmen thanks her love of bullfighting for giving her the courage to overcome any obstacles she faced in the male-dominated financial industry. She plans to continue to make a difference and to help women [...]

August 2, 2012


by: admin


Categories: Mission Trust News