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The securities markets experienced drama in positive and negative directions in the year’s first quarter, as the Federal Reserve and most other world central banks continued to flood their respective economies with newly printed money. Only risk-free securities avoided the excitement. In fact, Three-Month Treasury Bills barely registered a pulse with a 0.01% return. By [...]
Since the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic, many of my conversations have included people inquiring about how my mother is doing through all this.  We all worry about those who are most vulnerable.  And yet, stories from around the world have told about the amazing recovery from the virus even of centenarians. I have noticed, [...]
For investors who want to have a positive impact in the community, stock market rallies and year-end bring an opportunity to donate appreciated assets to your favorite charity. In addition to making a difference for the receiving charity, donating such assets provides you with tax benefits. People most frequently donate common stock. If the stock [...]
-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- This graph highlights the stark dichotomy between what investors view as “good” and “bad” on the current investment landscape. The tan line traces the cumulative growth of the S&P 500 over the past half century. Most noteworthy is the explosive growth in the nearly dozen years since the [...]
For the vast majority of Americans in retirement, the income provided by Social Security will comprise the largest and most stable base of income derived from any single source. With this in mind, the Stanford Center on Longevity* recently published an essay about the most important retirement decisions to be made in retirement. Actuary and [...]
You might consider the title of this post a provocative statement, but we have been concerned for many years about the situation unfolding and described in a recent ProPublica article. Mission Chief Investment Officer Tom Feeney has frequently written about the burden that today’s debt loads will create for our children and grandchildren. Tom also [...]
Sometimes we think that bad things only happen to those other people out there. Then we are staring right at a reality-tv episode. I would never have thought that my good friend, Maggie, would have been caught in a phone scam. She always seemed so on top of things, and she had been taking good [...]
I have drawn the great moral lesson, perhaps the only one of any practical value, to avoid those situations of life which bring our duties into conflict with our interests, and which show us our own advantage in the misfortune of others; for it is certain that, in such situations, however sincere our love of [...]
In new rulemaking by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), regulations that have protected investing consumers for eight decades have been dumbed-down. Tamar Frankel, professor of law emerita, Boston University Law School, considers the new rule to be a “historic, giant step backwards in securities regulation. It turns principles of advice in the client’s best [...]
Investors continue to face a serious quandary: How to proceed with historically overvalued equity markets, worldwide economic malaise, minimal interest rates and a Fed seemingly committed to eliminating any danger of significant loss to either stocks or bonds? Throw in a highly acrimonious political scene with questions on both left and right about whether the [...]