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Resources on Trusts, Investments, Estate Planning, Financial Issues, and Living Well

Almost No Place To Hide, Part II In the first half of 2022, the S&P 500 experienced its worst start in more than a half century, and bonds declined by more than in any other year on record. Falling by 16.1% in the second quarter, the S&P’s return for the first half was -19.6%. Again, [...]
The Mission portfolio team is not fond of cryptocurrency for many reasons. Basically, the cryptocurrency world is full of fraud—from the false allure and promise of Ponzi schemes, to poor security for crypto “wallets,” to “rug-pulls.” The latter (derived from the expression “pull the rug out from under you”) has become a popular scam in [...]
Almost No Place To Hide There was little opportunity for profit in traditional asset categories in this year’s first quarter.  The S&P 500, against which most equity returns are measured, rallied nicely in late-March but finished down for the quarter by 4.6%.  The Nasdaq Composite, which includes most of the mega-tech companies that have led [...]
Notre Dame, IN – February 16, 2022 – Member-owned Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (Notre Dame FCU) announced today that it has completed the purchase of Mission Management & Trust Co. (Mission), located in Tucson, Arizona. Established in 1994, Mission is an Arizona-chartered, independent trust company, specializing in trust and estate services, asset management and [...]
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS for Clients and Beneficiaries Mission Management & Trust Co. (Mission) and Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (Notre Dame FCU) are pleased to announce Mission is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Notre Dame FCU through a credit union service organization (CUSO). This ownership change greatly broadens the services available to Mission's clients [...]
Because I’m writing for a newly expanded readership, many of whom have never before seen our commentaries, I’m going to take a somewhat different approach in this issue. It is always advantageous to know the biases of a writer and, ideally, to know what he/she has identified previously as the factors likely to influence markets [...]
This year’s third quarter was unproductive for investment assets. Domestic stock markets were mixed, with the S&P 500 fractionally positive but the Dow Jones Industrials, Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange Index all negative. Risk-free Treasury Bills continue to pay virtually nothing. Bloomberg’s U.S. Aggregate Bond Index was also essentially flat and remains negative [...]
Bill Nordbrock, business contributor to the Arizona Daily Star, recently spoke at a luncheon for a group of students that meet regularly with Mission's CEO, Carmen Bermudez. Carmen is a mentor and cheerleader to these smart, ambitious pre-professionals. Bill was impressed by the variety of career interests they had and the simple life rules they [...]
If we’re unconcerned about the price we pay, there are several reasons to buy stocks today. Thanks to copious stimulus from the Federal Reserve, common stock indexes have continued their march upward, and most securities analysts are forecasting further gains. Notwithstanding the Fed’s generosity, however, U.S. Treasury notes and bonds and investment-grade corporates  lost money [...]
The securities markets experienced drama in positive and negative directions in the year’s first quarter, as the Federal Reserve and most other world central banks continued to flood their respective economies with newly printed money. Only risk-free securities avoided the excitement. In fact, Three-Month Treasury Bills barely registered a pulse with a 0.01% return. By [...]