News & Insights

Resources on Trusts, Investments, Estate Planning, Financial Issues, and Living Well

Individuals searching for a corporate trustee often wonder what happens to homes after incapacity or death. As a trust officer, I understand your concerns about who will care for your home if you can’t. The most common concerns are: 1) aging in place in my home; 2) selling my home after incapacity or death; and, [...]
For several years, investors have wrestled with a profound dilemma. With Federal Reserve and other substantial government stimulus, stock prices have risen to and remained at valuation levels that have, throughout history, ultimately been severely punished. As the years rolled on and the Fed consistently provided one sort of stimulus or another whenever stocks appeared [...]
A trusted advisor is someone who works with your best interests in mind, making decisions based on your desired outcomes and future needs.  Being mindful of those that you choose to be in your inner-circle to advocate when you need them the most is essential.  Working amongst the vulnerabilities of older adults and individuals with [...]
When the doctors say, “there is nothing more we can do,” hospice says, “yes, there is—we can provide comfort care.” While most people connect hospice to dying, I like to think of hospice as a gift. Hospice helps people live as fully and as comfortably as possible after it has been determined that medical treatment [...]
The US economy is struggling through its worst decline since the 1930s. Corporate earnings have plummeted, and numerous CEOs are refusing to offer forecasts for upcoming quarters. Nonetheless, the major stock indexes have rallied to or above all-time highs. Investors appear willing to disregard weak fundamentals so long as the Federal Reserve continues to produce [...]
Late in the second quarter, I wrote To Be Equity-Lite or Equity-Heavy?, which spelled out the predominant arguments for and against significant equity ownership in the current environment. I encourage you to read or reread that article to evaluate your own reasons for remaining either equity-lite or equity-heavy. Departing from our typical Quarterly Commentary format, [...]
One of Mission’s core services, Securities Custody, is a term widely used by the securities and banking industries, but is not commonly understood by the investing public.  So, what in the world does it mean? A “Custodian” is a financial institution (trust company, bank, brokerage firm) that keeps custody of stocks, bonds, and other assets. [...]
During the first quarter, we experienced the fastest ever 35% decline from an all-time high in US equity market prices. The subsequent remarkable recovery rally regained most of the lost ground in barely a month and a half. Commentators are currently marveling about the disconnect between aggressively rising stock prices and the weakest economic data [...]
As the month of April closed last week, Wall Street celebrated the S&P 500’s powerful 12.7% advance, the strongest monthly gain in 33 years. Whether that success points to continued gains in the short run, however, is open to question. Looking back, two even more profitable months saw slightly varied outcomes. The most profitable month, [...]
Two articles from The Wall Street Journal weekend edition struck me as particularly helpful to readers seeking insight into prospects for the pandemic, the economy and the investment markets. Relative to the coronavirus pandemic and its potential effect on the economy, let the authors Louise Radnofsky and Ben Cohen speak for themselves: There has always [...]